Germplasm Conservation

Germplasm conservation

Seed conservation has vital role in preservation of genetic variability as it is simple to handle, cost-effective and capable of maintaining genetic stability over long time periods. Hence, a popular and most efficient tool for germplasm conservation at the global level. ICRISAT Genebank ensures continued germplasm availability for crop improvement. The conservation of germplasm in genebanks in the form of seeds requires that the integrity of the material conserved be maintained to the highest standard over prolonged periods of time. A short-term storage, maintained at 20ºC to 25ºC and 30 to 40% relative humidity, is used to hold seeds while they are dried and prepared for medium- and long-term storage. Five medium-term storage rooms maintained at 4°C and <=20% RH relative humidity help conserve seed samples for 20 to 25 years as active collection. Five long-term storage units at -20ºC conserve the seeds dried to 3 to 7% moisture content and hermetically sealed in aluminum foil packets for more than 50 years as base collection. Germplasm accessions that do not produce adequate seed for conservation (such as wild species of groundnut and pearl millet), maintained as live plants in a botanical garden and green houses.

Seed moisture content is an important component affecting seed quality and longevity. For long-term conservation in genebanks, seeds are recommended to be dried to 3-7% moisture content. Under all storage conditions, the moisture content of seeds comes to equilibrium with the relative humidity of the surrounding atmosphere. A decrease in seed moisture content coupled with lower storage temperature and relative humidity substantially improves the life span of the seeds. Seed drying is an essential and important operation in handling germplasm seeds for conservation. Orthodox seed lots with any amount of initial moisture can be safely dried to low moisture levels at 15ºC and 15% RH using sorption type drier with secondary refrigeration. The genebank established a walk-in seed drying room following these principles for regularly processing large number of seed samples for long-term conservation and safety-backup at other locations.

Annex I & crops other than Annex I summary (as on May 2024)

S.No. Crop group Crops As on 29th December 1993 As on May 2024 #
Total accessions FAO designated / In trust (collected before 1993) India as country source & donor country India as country source India as donor country FAO designated / In trust (collected before 1993; India as country source & donor country) Non-Designated (India as country source & donor country) Total accessions FAO designated / In trust Non-Designated
1 Annex I Crop Sorghum 35307 35303 14630 5948 8682 14630 - 42869 42803 66
2 Pearl millet 19943 19942 8181 7450 731 8181 - 25537 25407 130
3 Chickpea 16878 16743 8162 7042 1120 8115 47 20838 20487 351
4 Pigeonpea 12096 11900 9976 9870 106 9833 143 13559 13492 67
5 Finger millet 4932 4932 1434 1336 98 1434 - 7513 7463 50
6 Non-Annex I Crop Groundnut 14657 14239 6536 3721 2815 6332 204 15360 15237 123
7 Foxtail millet 1534 1534 1058 977 81 1058 - 1542 1535 7
8 Proso millet 842 835 76 69 7 76 - 849 835 14
9 Little millet 463 460 459 458 1 456 3 473 462 11
10 Kodo millet 658 656 656 656 - 654 2 665 656 9
11 Barnyard millet 743 743 447 447 - 447 - 749 743 6
Total 108053 107287 51615 37974 13641 51216 399 129954 129120 834 (195*)

* India as country source

# Details of an individual accession can be found from FAO-plant treaty DOI site.


ICRISAT’s genebank is designed to withstand natural disasters. For further safety, the long-term conservation collection is duplicated in other genebanks.

Over 92% of the collection is safety duplicated at multiple organizations as a First level safety duplication.

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV) located in the remote Arctic Svalbard Archipelago, Norway, has been established to preserve unique duplicate samples of seeds held in genebanks worldwide. The Seed Vault provides an insurance against the loss of seeds in genebanks, as well as a refuge for seeds in the case of large scale regional or global crisis. ICRISAT genebank has deposited seed samples of 125,963 (96.4%) accessions of its mandate crops and small millets.

For more information