Sorghum Evaluation

41360 Accessions of 1379 pages
Accession identifierShoot fly-rainyShoot fly-postrainyStem borerAnthracnoseGrain moldLeaf blightRust
IS 1Moderately resistant Moderately susceptible>40% leaf area damagedConsiderable mold growth and 11-25% grain surface area molded >40% leaf area damaged
IS 2Highly resistant Moderately susceptible>40% leaf area damagedScanty mold growth and up to 10% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged>40% leaf area damaged
IS 4Suceptible Moderately susceptible21-40% leaf area damagedScanty mold growth and up to 10% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged>40% leaf area damaged
IS 5Moderately resistantHighly resistantModerately susceptible Considerable mold growth and 11-25% grain surface area molded>40% leaf area damaged6-20% leaf area damaged
IS 11Moderately resistant Moderately susceptible>40% leaf area damagedExtensive mold growth and more than 50% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged>40% leaf area damaged
IS 12Highly resistant Susceptible21-40% leaf area damagedConsiderable mold growth and 26-50% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged>40% leaf area damaged
IS 13Highly resistantSuceptibleSusceptible Considerable mold growth and 26-50% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged6-20% leaf area damaged
IS 15Highly resistant Moderately susceptible21-40% leaf area damagedConsiderable mold growth and 11-25% grain surface area molded6-20% leaf area damaged>40% leaf area damaged
IS 20Suceptible Highly susceptible>40% leaf area damagedExtensive mold growth and more than 50% grain surface area molded2-5% leaf area damaged>40% leaf area damaged
IS 21Suceptible Susceptible>40% leaf area damagedScanty mold growth and up to 10% grain surface area molded>40% leaf area damaged21-40% leaf area damaged
IS 23Suceptible Susceptible21-40% leaf area damagedScanty mold growth and up to 10% grain surface area molded  
IS 24Suceptible Highly susceptible21-40% leaf area damagedConsiderable mold growth and 11-25% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged 
IS 26Suceptible  21-40% leaf area damagedScanty mold growth and up to 10% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged 
IS 28Highly resistant  21-40% leaf area damagedConsiderable mold growth and 11-25% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged 
IS 29Highly resistantHighly suceptibleSusceptible No mold on grain surface>40% leaf area damaged6-20% leaf area damaged
IS 30Highly suceptibleSuceptibleModerately susceptible Scanty mold growth and up to 10% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged21-40% leaf area damaged
IS 31Moderately resistant Susceptible21-40% leaf area damagedNo mold on grain surface21-40% leaf area damaged>40% leaf area damaged
IS 32Highly resistant Highly susceptible>40% leaf area damagedConsiderable mold growth and 26-50% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged 
IS 34Suceptible Moderately susceptible>40% leaf area damagedConsiderable mold growth and 11-25% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged 
IS 35Highly resistant Moderately susceptible>40% leaf area damagedConsiderable mold growth and 11-25% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged>40% leaf area damaged
IS 36Moderately resistant  >40% leaf area damagedConsiderable mold growth and 26-50% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged>40% leaf area damaged
IS 37Moderately resistant   Extensive mold growth and more than 50% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged>40% leaf area damaged
IS 38Moderately resistant Susceptible>40% leaf area damagedConsiderable mold growth and 26-50% grain surface area molded>40% leaf area damaged>40% leaf area damaged
IS 39Highly resistant Susceptible>40% leaf area damagedExtensive mold growth and more than 50% grain surface area molded21-40% leaf area damaged>40% leaf area damaged
IS 44Highly resistant Susceptible21-40% leaf area damagedExtensive mold growth and more than 50% grain surface area molded >40% leaf area damaged
IS 51 Highly suceptible  Extensive mold growth and more than 50% grain surface area molded  
IS 52Highly resistant  >40% leaf area damagedExtensive mold growth and more than 50% grain surface area molded >40% leaf area damaged
IS 53 Highly suceptible >40% leaf area damagedConsiderable mold growth and 26-50% grain surface area molded >40% leaf area damaged
IS 54Moderately resistant Moderately resistant21-40% leaf area damagedExtensive mold growth and more than 50% grain surface area molded >40% leaf area damaged
IS 55Highly resistantSuceptibleSusceptible>40% leaf area damagedExtensive mold growth and more than 50% grain surface area molded2-5% leaf area damaged2-5% leaf area damaged