Pearl millet Mini core

In pearl millet, even a core collection consisting of 2,094 accessions (10% of total accessions) is large and becomes unwieldy to evaluate and characterize the accessions for economic traits. Hence, a mini core collection of pearl millet, comprising 238 accessions click here to search the data for List of accessions (about 10% of core collection or 1% of entire collection) was constituted by evaluating the core collection of 2,094 accessions for 18 morph agronomic traits. Results indicated that almost the entire genetic variation and a majority of co-adapted gene complexes present in the core subset are preserved in the mini core subset. Due to its greatly reduced size, the mini core subset will provide a more economical starting point for proper exploitation of pearl millet genetic resources for crop improvement.

  1. Mini Core Collections for Efficient Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources in Crop Improvement Programs. (Information Bulletin No.78)


  1. Upadhyaya et al. 2011. Development of Pearl Millet Minicore Collection for Enhanced Utilization of Germplasm. Crop Sci. 51:217-223.
