Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) breeding programs with a goal of rapid cultivar development have used mainly elite breeding lines and cultivars, which has resulted in the development of breeding materials with a narrow
genetic base. Utilization of exotic germplasm resources in breeding programs is needed to enhance the diversity of cultivars. Scientific plant breeding and its need for large variability, concern about potential loss of
variability, and nonavailability of low cost tools to identify similarities or differences among accessions led genebanks to hold large germplasm collections. Core collections, generally contain about 10% of total accessions,
represent the genetic variability of entire germplasm collection, and have been suggested as a way to enhance use of genetic resources in crop improvement. With this objective a peanut mini core subset was developed
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The peanut core subset was evaluated for morphological, agronomic, and quality traits in the rainy and postrainy seasons. Ward’s method of clustering was used to separate core collection accessions into groups of similar accessions.
A mini core subset consisting of 184 accessions was selected. Newman Keuls’ test for means, Levene’s test for variances and chi-square test for frequency distribution analysis for different traits indicated that the variation
available in the core collection has been preserved in the mini core subset. The peanut mini core collection was evaluated for agronomic traits in multienvironment trials at Patancheru, India. The published information on
184 mini core accessions revealed 28 accessions resistant to abiotic stress, 30 resistant to biotic stress, and 18 that were agronomically desirable but susceptible to stresses, while 16 were seed nutrient dense. The mini core
is part of the composite collection, which was previously genotyped using SSRs.
Mini Core Collections for Efficient Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources in Crop Improvement Programs.
(Information Bulletin No.78)
Upadhyaya et al. 2002. Developing a Mini Core of Peanut for Utilization of Genetic Resources.
Crop Sci. 42:2150-2156.
Upadhyaya et al. 2014. Multiple resistant and nutritionally dense germplasm identified from mini core collection in peanut.
Crop Sci. 54:679-693.