
Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) is one of the major food legume of the tropics and subtropics. It is widely used as food, feed, fuel, fencing, roofing, basket making and as a soil enricher and also restores soil fertility by fixing atmospheric nitrogen and has the ability to solubilize fixed phosphorus. It has wide adaptability to diverse climates and important source of protein for billions of people in the semi-arid tropics. Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium udum Butler is the major constrain to pigeonpea production worldwide. Wilt incidence will be more (of about 30 to 60%) during flowering and maturity stages and it can cause yield loss up to 100% in the susceptible cultivars. A large set of pigeonpea germplasm including mini core were screened and identified fusarium wilt resistant sources. This identified subsets provides list of fusarium wilt resistance accessions that can be exploited for the development of elite cultivars. Click here for details on Accessions.


  1. Sharma, M., Rathore, A., Mangala, U.N., Ghosh, R., Sharma, S., Upadhyaya, H.D. (2012).New sources of resistance to Fusarium wilt and sterility mosaic disease in a mini core collection of pigeonpea germplasm. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 133,707–714.doi:10.1007/s10658-012-9949-9.

  1. Jaggal, L., Patil, B., Salimath, P., Madhusudhan, K., Patil, M., Udikeri, S. (2014). Evaluation of mini core accessions of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) against sterility mosaic disease and fusarium wilt. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 23. 337-339.