
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the most important oilseed crop and widely grown in the tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate regions of the world. It is a rich source of protein, fat, minerals, and vitamins and also grown essentially for its oil content in most of the countries. Rust and late leaf spot are the most serious fungal diseases of groundnut worldwide. Both diseases normally occur together causing severe damage to foliage and occasioning yield losses as high as 70%. A large set of germplasm including mini core were screened for the resistance response for rust and late leaf spot and identified 29 accessions resistant and 47 as moderately resistant. This subset provides list of accessions with combined resistance to rust and late leaf spot diseases. These trait specific sources can be the key to develop agronomically superior groundnut cultivars with multiple biotic stress resistance. Click here for details on Accessions.


  1. Subrahmanyam, P., D. McDouald, F. Walliyar, L. J. Raddy and P. V. Subba Rao. 1995. Screening methods and sources of resistance to rust and late leaf spot of groundnut. Information Bull. 47. ICRISAT. Patencheru, India. 20p.

  1. Sudini, H., Upadhyaya, H. D., Reddy, S.V., Mangala, U.N., A. Rathore, A. and V.K. Kumar, V. K., 2015. Resistance to late leaf spot and rust disease in ICRISAT’s mini core collection of pea-nut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Australas. Plant Pathol. 44:557–566. doi:10.1007/s13313 - 015- 0368 -1