A reference set of 384 accessions was defined for allele mining which captured 78% of alleles (615 alleles) produced in composite germplasm collection. This set consisting of 23 wild, 4 advanced cultivars, 25 breeding materials
and 332 landraces. Out of 384 accessions of reference set, for 9 accessions there were no seed. However, at present we are having seed for 375 accessions
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for details on Accessions. The average gene diversity among the reference set is 0.713 with an average PIC value 0.679, which is equal to global composite collection. Reference set is being used for allele mining under ADOC project.
From this set, we have identified a representative sample of 48 accessions for use in marker genotype validation and as a smaller set with which to begin exploration of global sorghum germplasm.